Keičiami failai

Changeable files for nail files available for manicure and pedicure:

  1. Non-softened abrasive stickers for nail files
  2. Softened abrasive stickers for nail files

Product description

  1. Aukštos kokybės abrazyvinė medžiaga: silicio karbidas
  2. Self-adhesive, intended for attaching to Kerman-made nail file bases (acryl, stainless steel) or for  buff and softened integrated soft foam layer, to reduce abrasive pressure on the nail
  3. 50 replacement abrasive stickers per package / 30 replacement abrasive for softened ones
  4. Vienkartiniai, skirti dirbtiniams ir natūraliems nagams gydyti
  5.  Skirta manikiūrui ir pedikiūrui

To start with, let’s look at the fundamental piece of information you need to know about nail files – nail file grit grades. I’m sure you’ve seen numbers on pretty much every file on the market. But what do they mean? The numbers refer to how course the grit is on the nail file surface. If both numbers are the same, then both sides have the same grit- if the two numbers are different then both sides have different grit. For example, a 180/180 grit file means both sides are the same and that there are 180 grits on 1square cm. A 100/180 grit file, on the other hand, will have one side with a coarser grit than the other. Knowing that we can now clearly understand which file is sharper and which one is softer:

  • The higher the number, the softer the file grit;
  • The lower the number, the coarser the file grit.

Galimos abrazyvinės medžiagos:

  • 100 smėlio dirbti su dirbtinių nagų forma ir ilgiu
  • 150 smėlio darbui su laisvu nagų kraštu ir ilgiu. Darbui su dirbtinių nagų forma
  • 180 grit for working on artificial and natural nails/  buff
  • 240 grit for working on the free edge and the upper side of natural nails/buff

Important: immediately after finishing the filing procedure, slowly remove the disposable abrasive sticker from the base and discard it.

Changeable files for pedicure discs available pedicure:

  1. Softened abrasive stickers
  2. Not softened abrasive stickers

Removable files are available in:

  1. Aluminium oxide – light colour
  2. Silicon carbide – dark colour
  3. Buff abrasive stickers for polishing

Product description

  • Highly durable, high-quality removable abrasive
  • Integruotas minkštas putų sluoksnis, siekiant sumažinti abrazyvinį spaudimą pėdai
  • Priklijuoti, skirti pritvirtinti prie Kermano pagamintų pedikiūro diskų
  • 50 replacement abrasive stickers per package (30 pieces for buff)
  • Disposable, intended for working on feet, and fingers, for removing calluses and cracks on feet
  • Galimos abrazyvinės medžiagos:
    • 80 grits, for rough skin treatment
    • 100 grits, for rough skin treatment
    • 150 grits, for medium-rough skin treatment
    • 180 grits, for medium-rough skin treatment
    • 240 grits, for polishing feet, for evening skin out after treatment
    • 320 grits, for Buff  Disposable, for filing and polishing foot skin after treating it

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